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Saturday, June 6, 2009

Mysteries in the Word of God

1 Corinthians 15:51,52 - Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep (die), but we shall all be changed (transformed), In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

The Bible has answers to many mysteries. They are called mysteries because we are in the dark of its truth.

Paul in this scripture here talks about one such mystery which even today is so to many, I may even say almost all. This includes very well know preachers, evangelist or teachers of the Bible. When the Lord revealed this mystery to me I could not digest it on the first shot. It took time (more than 6 months) and verification of scriptures to let the truth settle into me.

It is this truth which keeps me from being led stray of all the nonsense of dead (evil) spirits of man (ghost) coming back, praying to the dead etc...

Do I tell this truth to everybody? No.

Like Paul I too use wisdom to put it in a way which only those who really seek the truth will be revealed to by the Holy Spirit. The others will hear but they will not understand.

We need to open our hearts and surrender to the Word of God fully and completely; then only will we understand the so call mysteries. And they will no longer be mysteries to us. The truth will help us know God better and keep us from being led astray.

I invite each and everyone to question each and every belief which have been passed down to us from our ancestors and so called religious man. Let us find if these are inline to the Word of God or contradictory to it. Do we trust man more than God?


Father God, You have blessed us with the Spirit of truth because we believe in your Son Jesus Christ. Help us Lord to give hear and listen to what your Spirit reveals to us. Help us keep faith in your Word and not to trust man more than your Word, so that the truth keeps us from falling. This we ask in the Name of your Son Jesus Christ, Amen.

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