Financial Freedom

Friday, June 19, 2009

The answer from the Throne

Hebrews 8:12-For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.

The Lord in today's verse confirms to us that our approaching the Throne has been answered and we are made right in Him. If you are praying for any physical needs like healings or financial or relationship correction or material things, remember when God created the world He spoke the Word, received it as good and it then manifested. So also when we receive this answer we are assured it will manifest at the right and perfect moment. Let's shout out: LORD WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR MERCY!


Father God, You are the Father of mercy. You have given us abundant mercy through your Son Lord Jesus Christ. Lord we thank You today for once again when we needed mercy and approached You, You with your merciful heart and not said no to us. We thank You for this renewal of your grace...


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