Financial Freedom

Sunday, December 28, 2008

I Am the True Vine

"I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener.” John 15:1

Jesus said that He is the true vine and we need to be like Him. "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit” John 15:5. The vine was Jesus referring to, was the grape vine.

In the Bible including the Old Testament grapes are referred to in many places. In the Books of Moses they were etched on the drapes used in the Tabernacle, on dresses of the Priest and many other places. Was it because God loves grapes? No. Not the fruit but the nature of the fruit. To understand this you need to understand how good grapes are grown.

Grapes are a watery fruit but are best grown in places where the climate is extreme and lacks water. You will find the sweetest grapes coming from these regions. People knowing to grow grapes will never put extra water to the plant so as to get good sweet fruit; else you land up getting watery but not so sweet grapes.

The plant being a vine does stand by its self and is supported from above. The farmer makes a frame and hangs the vine by the frame. As the plant grows, he takes the branches and by a string pulls and ties it in all directions. He does not pull it too hard so as to break it but does this so as to enable the vine to grow in all directions.

Grapes represent self sacrifice.

Only when you become like a vine grown by Jesus’ Father (Holy Spirit) who is a perfect farmer, will you be like Jesus. So like Jesus, depend totally on the Holy Spirit standing only by His grace. Not asking for prosperity of this world but living by the needs necessary. Stretching out to do the Lord’s work, not by your strength but by the power of the Holy Spirit. By doing this we will be as sweet as Jesus said in John 15:8 “that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples”.


Lord Jesus, help me to surrender myself, my wants and my needs unto You. Help me die to my flesh and live by Your Spirit, that I may bear fruit as You did. Lord I do not ask for prosperity, my desires or this world but to be like Jesus. Take me by Your hands, prune, mold me and make me like Jesus. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

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