Financial Freedom

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Problems are not a way of life

Joel 2:27 - And ye shall know that I am in the midst of Israel, and that I am the LORD your God, and none else: and my people shall never be ashamed.

One big problem with so called Christians is that they think problems are a part and parcel of life. In directly to them problems are even a problem for God to handle and He can only encourage you to overcome it. The base of their argument is Jesus suffered therefore we too need to suffer.

The only place where Jesus suffered was when He became a sacrifice for us, else the glory of God
was always seen on Him. Also His going to the desert and fasting for 40 days was to weaken Him so that He could be tempted and by His overcoming the temptation He becomes a example for us.

Another silly argument - was everything about Jesus is not written (the Bible itself says so). True. But realize everything that was important is written especially in the Gospel of John because it is kind of an autobiography of Jesus. He was without blemish, thus perfect. If one does not believe this than one should not be a Christian for then there is no salvation.

The life of Jesus was such not because He was God who became man, nor because He was the Begotten Son of God, or a son of God (like Adam who was made perfect man with the image of God in him, but then blemish came in him) but only for one reason and that is because He was Christ - man with the Holy Spirit. It was the Holy Spirit Who differentiated the life of Jesus from the
rest of us, but now since we too received the Holy Spirit by our faith in Jesus Christ, there is now suppose to be no difference between the man Jesus and us. All things that Jesus did and did not do is now possible for us. It is the Holy Spirit - the co-creator of creation and the Arm / Finger of God through Whom most things came into existence is now in us. If He can not do it then who can?

Let us glorify Him in us and we will standout among all nations. He is the Light we need to shine; the Living Water That quenches our thirst; the Rock on Whom we need to stand and on Whom the Church of God is build.

Lord Jesus, we thank You for giving us the Living Water. We thank You for the Light to remove the darkness within us. We thank You for the Breathe which gives life unto our spirits. We thank You for revealing the Rock of our salvation. We thank You for the Rock on which your Church needs to be build. Holy Spirit, work in your people and show the world that You are our God and the true Living God.

We make this prayer in Jesus' Name, Amen.

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