Financial Freedom

Friday, October 16, 2009

Baptism of water

John 1:28,29 - These things were done in Bethabara beyond Jordan, where John was baptizing. The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.  

There are some topics which cause a storm even today among believers and which we need to soon of later come to one understanding. 
Some of them are about cmreation (about Genesis 1 and 2), Sabbath Day, Bread or Comunion, after dead where people go and another one to the list is Baptism.  
What I learnt from the Bible about baptism is that starting with Noah (floods), Abraham (circumcision), Moses (Red sea and pillar of cloud) and John the Baptist (baptism of repentance), all had a different type of baptism which was perfected in Jesus Christ. 
Each one took one step towards baptism in Jesus Christ.  Baptize comes from the Greek word 'Bapto' which means 'to dip'. 
So people make it a point that baptism of water requires the person to be immersed in water. 
We also have the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, in this case where do we immerse ourselves?  Water in baptism of water is like the rings which are exchanged between the bride and groom during marriage. 
In some marriages they do not use rings then is that marriage not valid? Does the ring define the marriage?  
People also think water baptism is only for sinners then by that definition our salvation is made invalid, for Jesus took water baptism. 
If He had even one sin in Him our salvation is lost.  People need to really understand baptism and the different kinds of baptism. 
It is like one needs to know what marriage means and one's commitment to each other in marriage or learn over a period of time via mistakes.  
You will notice in the scriptures although Jesus got Himself baptized in water by John, He Himself did not baptize anyone with water nor did He stop His disciples to do so, even though He always maintains that without baptism of water and Spirit one could not go to Heaven.  
The Bible talks of water baptism, baptism of the Holy Spirit and baptism of fire. People add to this list Jesus' baptism of sorrow; I would also point to Paul' baptism of humility, Abraham’ baptism of faith, Moses’ baptism of authority, Job' baptism of righteousness etc. to that list.  
Paul was the main instrument with doing away with circumcision of the male reproductive organ and said circumcision of heart was important. The circumcision of heart is to done by both males and females not just males.  
To have true relationship with the Lamb of God, let us ponder and pursue the true understanding. Unless we not understand all the baptisms in spirit and truth, we will learn through mistakes and experiences.   

[Prayer Starter] 
Father God, You are Spirit and your Kingdom is Spiritual. 
The body dies but the spirit lives, therefore it is written that You are God of the living not of the dead. 
Lord, by your Spirit reveal to your people the truth that they may have a better relationship with You...  
We make this prayer in Jesus' Name, Amen.   

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