Financial Freedom

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Securing your Tomorrow

Matthew 6:34 - But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

All of us save or keep something aside for tomorrow, by doing this is it being un-Christ like? Even in this scripture, the Lord does not say - do not secure your tomorrow.

If you read this scripture in total and understand it properly, the Lord says: like you insure your future or health with an insurance company, you need to insure yourself with an insurance company called the Kingdom of God. Here you pay your premiums daily with righteousness. Righteousness not according to the world but according to God. At the end of your policy, you get that large amount on maturity - so also here you will get on maturity, when the Chief Insurance Agent comes, that is your salvation and a ticket to Heaven. Also like in most insurance policies one has bonuses, similarly in this insurance policy your bonus is - all your daily needs will be fulfilled. The risk factor here is if we instead of paying in righteousness, we pay in evil which can lapse our policy. But our Insurance Officer – the Holy Spirit is very merciful that He helps us in time of trouble to not let us loose our policy.

So, if you have not opened your policy, please do. And to others make sure you keep paying your premiums daily, incase of trouble please give in an apology letter to the Insurance Officer and continue your policy. See you in Heaven, till then be in peace.


Father God, the world and every thing in it can not secure me. All my efforts will not meet my needs. It is only You and through You that I can be secured and all my needs fulfilled. Lord, help me not to worry about this world but to worry about this journey which I am on, coming to You. That I may not reject or abuse the grace which You have made available through Jesus Christ. I ask this in His mighty Name, Amen.

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