Financial Freedom

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Knowing God's Will

We all know that in the Bible is written God's will. But most of us think that we need to be an expert on the Bible and know it in and out to understand God's will. The Hebrew word that used here for 'will' is 'ratsown' which is also translated 5 times in the Bible as 'pleasure' and another 5 times as 'delight'. Therefore doing God's will means to do what pleases God, and to know what pleases God we need to know God, and to know God we need to build our relation with Him, and to build our relation with Him we can use different ways and methods like by knowing His Word, by our regular communication with Him, by our imitating Him in our daily life, by witnessing Him to others, by appreciating His creation etc...

So there are many ways to know God and using all of them gives us better prospective of Him in more dimensions than just using only one. Just reading His Word or studying it is not a good idea or just praying to Him will also not help much. Our God is too awesome to understand therefore if we really thirst Him, we should use all and ever mean to reach out to Him.

The best part is, since we are made God's children right from birth, we come programmed to know Him. Therefore the best way to start is to search Him from within. So let's search our every thought, in our thinking, in our feelings etc... Is the Lord talking to me? Is what I am doing pleasing Him? Are my actions imitating Him? Am I projecting Him as I am or do I need to change in this area?....

Psalms 40:8 - I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy law is within my heart.

Lord, You have called me your child. Within me You have put many ways and means to reach out to You. Help me be silent in my thoughts and actions that I may hear You speaking to me. Show me ways in which I can know You and please You. For, to please You is all that I seek. I make this prayer in Jesus' Name, Amen.

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